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Re: [DL] Santa Claws

--- Jeff Shoffner <shoffner@usit.net> wrote:
> Been giving the Santa Claus legend some thought. 
> Someone tried to stat him
> but that kind of follows the "if you stat it, they
> will kill it" notion & I
> believe Paul Bunyun & the other guy (???slips my
> mind) didn't have stats per
> se.
The other guy is Pecos Bill. If you pull out your copy
of Rascals, Varmints, & Critters, you will find that
they do indeed have stats. However, one of the powers
of Living Legends is that they can't be killed. The
only way to do away with them is for everyone to stop
believng in the Living Legend.

I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress.

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