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Re: [DL] Grimme & Lost Angels


You're missing an M in that and you have an extra T :) .

> Shoo.
> > No, it said (I can't remember where) that someone
> > made him go *blutch*.
> 'Blutch'? Wow, the English language really /has/
> changed. Hell, Only this week did one of my players
> use 'scowl' as a verb - he 'scowled' up the stairs. I

Actually, scowl IS a verb as well as a noun.  However, if he was using it in
the sense of motion up the stairs (as opposed to scowling up the stairs at
someone), then that would definitely be what's known as "ignorant" usage
(compared to standard and nonstandard usage).  Trust me- the teacher in my
Principles of Grammar class called my progress "disheartening" considering
how much effort I was putting into the class (read: almost none).  I ended
up getting an A.

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times