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[DL] How's the weather down there?

Spoilers for any and all members of my posse who lurk on this here list.



All righty. This is a bug­related question. I'm keeping my posse in Kansas for
the moment, and in a moment of inspiration remembered that in the late 1860s or
so Kansas suffered from a terrible infestation of grasshoppers.

Now, I thought to myself, what better way to creep out the posse without its
being something *actually* supernatural? So I arbitrarily decided to move the
infestation up a few years and inflict it on my unsuspecting posse.

So naturally I go looking through the main rulebook for rules for a swarm of
bugs of some kind, and the only thing I've been able to find so far is the
Harrowed power Infest. While it's certainly interesting, it's not quite what I'm
looking for. From descriptions I've read, these were huge clouds of grasshoppers
which stretched for miles and devoured every bit of greenery in their path,
without really harming humans all that much.

I'm not looking to actually harm the posse so much as just wind them, slow them
down, and give them a really huge obstacle to overcome before they get to where
they're really supposed to be going.

Does anyone have suggestions as to how I can design a cloud (or several) of
grasshoppers? I was thinking treating it as a level 3 Infest, which might work,
but I'm open to better suggestions.

Or is there a rule for swarms that I've missed somewhere?


"It is an odd thing Mr Ireton; that every man who wages war believes God to be
on his side. I'll warrant God must often wonder who is on His."
                              Oliver Cromwell: 1599-1658