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RE: [DL] Harrowed, Dominion and control...

Title: RE: [DL] Harrowed, Dominion and control...

> In Book of the Dead, there's a section which says that the
> Harrowed can try to
> take back control in rare instances (p. 81), such as "when
> the Manitou is about
> to cause direct harm to a very close companion."
> First off, since it makes no mention of this anywhere in the
> book, I'm going to
> assume that neither the Manitou nor the Harrowed add their
> Dominion bonus to
> their rolls. Is this accurate?

Not a clue to be honest.  I picture this as being a tense moment that allows the character a last ditch chance of wrestling back control before they do something terrible.  So I would go for a straight Spirit contest without the Dominion bonus simply because it heightens the dramatic moment.  I would maybe give a bonus to the character depending on who it was the manitou was going to kill (friend +0, family +1, close family +2).

This got me thinking, if a harrowed PC knows nothing about what goes on when the manitou is in control - how does he know when his manitou is threating a friend in order to try and regain control?  Also if he fails this check, does he remember the struggle and knows the manitou has done something terrible to a close friend or does he somehow forget about the struggle and "wake up" oblivious?

> Second, I have been told that the 2nd edition rulebook
> overrides anything in
> BoD, and the rulebook makes no mention of this at all. Does
> that mean that the
> rule is no longer in effect, or simply that the writers felt
> they didn't need to
> repeat every single detail in the main book? I'm tending
> toward the latter, but
> it'd be nice to have some kind of confirmation.

I would run everything in the BotD as it stands unless it is contradicted by something in the revised rulebook.

Nothing official, but I hope this helps


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