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[DL] Bleedin'

Greetings, again.

I have a question that I couldn't quite answer with the rule book last
night, but it was late, I was tired, and I might have just missed
something. It's a pretty simple question:

At what point does a character with a Serious or worse wound stop
bleeding? Only when medical treatment is received?

A related question is what happens to a character's Wind once it reaches
the negative of their original Wind and they take the wound to the Guts?
Does it keep going down, doing additional wounds at each multiple of their
original Wind, or something else?

Reading the rules makes it look like it's /very/ likely a wounded
character will bleed to death if there isn't a doctor or supernatural
healing available within a few minutes. That doesn't really bother me, but
I don't understand exactly how it all happens. How does that "magic hour"
fit into that bleeding rule? I can't imagine anyone with a Serious or
worse wound living much more than 10 minutes. (120 rounds x 1 Wind + 10
Wind for natural recovery is still -110 Wind. A character with 18 Wind to
start with is dead at that point, even if they had no Guts wounds and all
of their Wind when they started bleeding.)




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