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Re: [DL] Fishing for ideas - Spoilers

> I thought it would be cute if every full moon his arm
> gets repossessed, or turns into a werewolf arm and
> attacks him.  Personally I'm presently leaning for ...
> next full moon his arm turns into a werewolf arm
> (which he controls), and then permanently remains as
> such.  It would take half damage except from silver,
> it wouldn't be able to hold silver, it would have
> claws, and it would probably be a die type stronger
> than the rest of him, but that's it.

I like the idea of the werewolf arm, but I'd only have it happen every full
moon.  That would allow him to walk about normally most of the time, but
come full moon: fun for you!

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times