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[DL] Employment opportunities in the Rangers

 Righto, the recent flood of interest in the Texas Rangers has come at just
 the right time for me, as I have a player looking to join the Rangers at
 the moment.

 The story is that they were out at The Mission a few months back, and this
 Ranger got wind of them and waited around for them to come back.  Realising
 what he was talking to (a posse of monster-busting heroes - I figure they've
 gotta be a phenomenon), he gave them a stern talking-to, warned them to
 keep the flashy supernatural shit to themselves when there's normal folks
 around, and basically told them to keep up the good work but to stay quiet
 about it, or it'd be their asses.

 The posse meandered in a vaguely northerly direction, and some of them died
 as posse members will, and one of them, Dave, started getting a little edgy
 at having people dying all around him all the time, so he sent a telegram
 to the Ranger he'd met saying that he'd be down that way soon and arranging
 a meeting because he wanted to talk.

 Well, on the way they got waylaid in The Crucible, and Dave bought it and
 came back harrowed.  He was a little late for his meeting, but the Ranger
 had figured he'd turn up and was waiting around.  So, Dave spilled the beans,
 and although the Ranger went through the conversation with his hand near
 his gun once he learned what had happened, he figured Dave for a straight-
 shooter with the manitou under wraps.

 So, Dave asks him if he can join the Texas Rangers.

 Now, John Celsus (the Ranger in question) thinks Dave would make a decent
 Ranger - he's got experience fighting and working with the supernatural,
 and he's got military training and can handle himself in a lot of
 situations.  So, what would be the procedure be in this situation?

 Next consider that Dave is a Union Army deserter, West Point graduate, from
 Maryland, who's hanging around with another two Union Army deserters (just
 grunts, not officers like him, and their desertion is completely seperate
 and unrelated to his).  How does that change things?


       | This is pointless and will only promote in-jokes and cliquism.|