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Re: [DL] Several newbie questions

> 1) I do not know if there is any mention in the rules somewhere about
> full auto with automatic guns, does that possibility exist?

If it's something like a Gatling pistol, it just fires a burst of 3.  If
it's a machine gun yes, but this is the Weird West.  They shouldn't have one
of those :) .

> 2) I know there was some discussion about semi automatic guns vs gatlings
> double action revolvers, but I missed it. My question is what advantage
> apart from the fact you can double tap with it has the Browning over a
> double action revolver? It is a gizmo with malfunction possibility but
> 2 shots same as the revolver, so why really buy that?

There's the matter of Reliability and there's also the matter of
availability.  The Browning isn't widely available unless the character is a
member of the Secret Service, or perhaps a member of the Agency, though
Agents are issued Gatling pistols as standard equipment, so there wouldn't
really be a reason to give them a Browning semiauto.

> 3)  The hex Haywire has a duration listed, but in the description it says
> affects a single gizmo and causes an effect determined by the hand.
> Therefore why does it have a duration? I do not understand it quite well
> really...

I don't have the book available right now, but I believe the drop in
Reliability will eventually go away.

> 4)  I usually play a huckster, I got in my repertoire Gambler's Luck,
> Raising the Pot, Penny Ante, Two of a kind. Well, each session I usually
> proceed with the following I cast Gambler's Luck, sometimes with Penny
> before, then Raising the Pot over it and if I get a good result with it
> of a Kind and Raising the Pot over the Two of a Kind if I fear the roll is
> too bad. I mention Gambler's Luck but I sometimes use that procedure with
> other hexes. Someone feels that is going a bit too far? Getting advantage
> the rules? Should it be limited? Well u got to have into account that
> is a good chance of backlash in all, but I would like some opinions.

Well, technically, I don't believe there is anything limiting their use,
though personally I'd be inclined to disallow using Two of a Kind to copy a
Hex that you cast.  The intent of the Hex seems to be as if to say "Yeah,
well, I can do that, too!"  Therefore, it sort of violates the spirit of the
Hex to clone your own Hex.  Personally, though, if I was your Marshal, I'd
create some kind of monster or item that counteracts Hexslingin' as a foil
to this if you're not getting very much Backlash from it.

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times