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Re: [DL] Re: How to kill a posse [a few spoilers]

--- gathomas4@juno.com wrote:
> > Keep in mind, if he has a Grit of 5 (or more)*
> Stone
> > will be coming after him soon, 

I pu an asterik next to that because I was going to
have a footnote, but I forgot to add the footnote
*slaps forehead*
this is the footnote:
In my game I don't put a cap on Grit. Theoretically, a
character could have 50 Grit, but that character would
public enemy #1 on the manitous' hit list. I have a
system for Grit, at 4 the manitous will notice the
character and abominations will always target her
first out of a group, regardless of abilities. 
At 5, the Los Diablos show up as usual. 
At 6, the manitous create an abomination just for the
At 7 or higher, Stone is made aware of the character.

> what's covering the distinctive smell (in a 
> windowless room) of a lit fuse? The puff of smoke?

Well, as I said, I use a large strongbox, I reckon the
covering of the strongbox blocks the characters' views
of smoke, and the fuse is too short for anyone but
Stone to smell it.

> Why on earth go to such extraordinary lengths to
> ruthlessly kill your players favorite characters?
> Why not just send the posse's train over a gorge and
> then blow up the bridge so the train crashes into 
> the gorge?

Two reasons, one answer. Stone isn't a serial villain
and he doesn't take chances. Most importantly, he's
not Scaramanga and he's not Doctor Evil, he doesn't
create an elaborate plan to kill someone then assume
it'll go to plan. He wants to SEE his victims die,
he's bloodthirsty and mean as a rattler.
Besides I've see a group of characters survive a train
wreck before with only minor injuries, and I don't
think Stone would employ something so simple unless he
knew that it would work.

Take Mao for instance, the guy can catch bullets and
throw them back at his opponents in any battle he's
in, he can cross huge distances and throw his fists
and feet in less than a few seconds, and his fists
usually go "through" his opponents... if you were
Stone, would you take any chances?

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