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Re: [DL] Hucksters D20(Fred Jandt??)

I thought it was referred to as Rule Zero, what the GM says goes

>From: "Kevin L Stoner" <stone1kl@cmich.edu>
>Reply-To: deadlands@gamerz.net
>To: deadlands@gamerz.net
>Subject: [DL] Hucksters D20(Fred Jandt??)
>Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 09:19:36 -0400
>Hello again,
>So I have yet another group of d20 players who love Deadlands
>after I ran it for them last night. However one of them (whom is the
>moderator for the forgotten realms list serve) kindly pointed out to
>me that no where in the D20 books does it say a Huckster cannot
>"take 10" on a roll and simply cast the spell, no chance of
>backlash. I realize this concept is absurd but could you please do
>me the honor of putting in writing the obvious.. that a huckster
>must roll in order to cast a spell. At least clarify for us. Oh and I
>know it has been posted a million times but could somebody
>please repost the eratta for Mad Scientists? Since I am playing
>with a group of gamers who are quite nearly professionals, I dont
>want it to run choppily for them.
>Marshall Stoner
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