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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20020210

>This "Pied
> Piper" idea sounds devious.  Send some more of your
> ideas for this under Marshall's Only.  I'm sure other
> marshall's would love to dig their CLAWS into this
> too.  Give some input and we'll spit ideas a'tcha.

Well, basically I was looking to use him as a hook to pull my posse into an
adventure. Something to do with missing children. I have no idea at all how
to stat this guy, and am looking for some input from you marshals out there.
The Piper is described as a tall thin creature with swarthy skin and light
hair, wearing old fashioned clothes with a red and yellow scarf around his
neck with a pipe tied to the end of it. And he is able to charm all living
creatures. His music to one under his charm is described as a voice
promising to take them to a place where every dream and desire they have
will be fulfilled. And bystanders stand by as if turned to blocks of wood.
They can see what is happening but cannot move or act. The piper also has
the ability to open portals in the earth and lead his victims inside.
I've taken all of this straight from the Robert Browning poem. It's quite
interesting. What I need to know is, I have never seen anything about
charming people in any of the deadlands books, and am wondering what kind of
attribute to use for it? Resistance would be a spirit based roll, but it
would have to be pretty high I would guess.
Any input you guys can give will be appreciated.

