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Re: [DL] Re: [d20]Allright that's it.....JAFM

On Wednesday, February 20, 2002, at 07:41  AM, gathomas4@juno.com wrote:
>> Jafm?
> Just Another F***ing Marshal.  As derived from the JAFO, Just Another
> F***ing Observer, from the movie "Blue Thunder."

Ah. Thanks.

>> I only have classic myself. I might get the d20 Deadlands main book at
>> some point in the future, but it's very low priority for me. I haven't,
>> unfortunately, heard a lot of good things about it. I haven't heard 
>> many
>> specifically bad things, either, but...
> Unless you're going to run/play DL d20, there's no reason whatsoever to
> get the book.  It's not a bad book though. It sacrifices chips and 
> cards,
> but i've found that just makes the game run faster.  There are more
> errors in it than the typical PEG book (typos mainly), but the handling
> of the d20 system is no worse, and better in some cases, than other d20
> authors out there.

Well, in part I'm a Pinnacle Fanboy, so I guess I need to get it at some 
point. Hey, I've got a copy of the current release of The Great Rail 
Wars on order at the moment from my FLGS, along with a starter set of 
minis from the Wargames West returns section of the Pinnacle store. Like 
I don't have about 40 Tyranids, 60 Sisters of Battle, and a few squads 
of Heavy gears waiting for paint as well... And this winter has so far 
provided few opportunities to stay home from work and paint like I had 
hoped for. (The DC Metro area has had spring-like weather nearly all 
winter. Except for a few scattered days, it's been in the fifties or 
higher pretty regularly.)

Also, I don't want to be the type that disparages a product that I 
haven't read. I haven't even seen reviews on rpg.net or other sites of 
Deadlands d20!

I may also be convinced to use it for demos at some point...

MAN? (Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett)