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Re: SV: [DL] Characters

--- Nils Anker Oldefar <he1021@non.tietgen.dk> wrote:
> Whoooaaaa nellie.... 4 shot an action? How the Hell
> did he sneak that past
> ya? two attacks per action is max... unless he's
> carrying semi-auto pistols
> from the future (in which case you brought it on
> yourself) or he's got four
> arms (which once again means that you fudged it
> somewhere along the line)
> have his damn gun malfunction or get 'em infected by
> gremlings, grudge
> monsters are not a bad thing if they don't find ya
> out

Anyone can shoot 4 times in an action if they have a
pistol in each hand (each pistol fires twice an
action).  They just have to suffer penalties, unless
they spent 8 points and got two-fisted kid and two-gun
kid (Lawdogs).  If this is too mean, imagine sending a
gang of outlaws with this combo up against the posse.


As for funny names.  I can't recall a session where an
NPC didn't have an awful punny name.  My favorite has
to be the practical joker sifu sifu (Master Tuan
Ophan) of our MA (Kat Astrophe).  He also had a few
other students I named on the fly, Ichi, Ni, Son, and
Yon (japanese 1 to 4).  Later they became more
important characters so I added last names.  Ichi was
turned into the handsome leader, Ecchi Bishion.  Ni
became more of an annoying sycophant, Ni Digui.  Son
was the cheerful one and named, Son Edai.  Finally Yon
questioned his religious beliefs and studied judism,
Yon Kipuri.

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