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Re: [DL] Just an idea

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vang" <kao@hamilton.net>
To: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: [DL] Just an idea

> That's a great idea.  Sadly, my state (Nebraska) is mostly part of the
> Sioux Nations in the Deadlands history.  In fact, most of my life I have
> lived North of the Platte River, which is the southern border of the
> Sioux Nations.  This invalidates a lot of the legends I grew up with.

Hey Vang, where about's in Nebraska are ye?  (I'm in Omaha)  And there are
still parts of Nebraska that are held by the white man north of the Platte.
In my game Omaha is still a vital cattle town, and Florence is a serperate
walled off city.  (If you know the history of Florence and Fort Omaha you'll
know why) Benson is just starting to form about 5 miles west of Omaha as a
point where Indians and Whites trade for supplies (kinda Neutral teritorry).
Also the union has seized a bunch of land south of Omaha and is making sure
no one is getting in, or out.

Most of my games start in or around Omaha...eventually I plan on submitting
what I've got done to the Eptitath if Shane will have it.
