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Re: [DL] Just an idea

Cool!  You're the first Deadlands player that I have found in Nebraska
since I started playing.  I live in Fullerton, which is about 100 miles
west of you, and I don't make it to Omaha very often.  This should
change when I start doing game demos for a miniature mecha combat game. 
We'll have to look each other up.  :)

I've thought about creating some material based on occurrences in the
county where I live.  One of the most interesting is there have been
"big foot" sightings along the loop river as far back as the early
1900's. My idea would have a small town (Fullerton) that for reasons of
trade (I think that would be workable) is allowed to exist 20-25 miles
north into the Sioux Nations.  However, the people who live in this town
are a bit on edge considering their location, giving birth to some sort
of abomination that stalks the townspeople and the few farms outside the

In present day reality, we just happened to have a sighting again about
a year or two ago.  Some people living out on a farm were wakened to the
noise of something trying to break into their house.  Thinking it was a
burglar, they called the Sheriff's office while one of them went to
investigate.  When the guy turned the lights on, he saw some beastly
face in the window.  The guy was scared pretty badly and before he could
recover whatever it was had disappeared.  IIRC, the deputies that went
out there didn't find anything so the whole incident was closed as a

"John M. Davis" wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Vang" <kao@hamilton.net>
> To: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 10:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [DL] Just an idea
> > That's a great idea.  Sadly, my state (Nebraska) is mostly part of the
> > Sioux Nations in the Deadlands history.  In fact, most of my life I have
> > lived North of the Platte River, which is the southern border of the
> > Sioux Nations.  This invalidates a lot of the legends I grew up with.
> Hey Vang, where about's in Nebraska are ye?  (I'm in Omaha)  And there are
> still parts of Nebraska that are held by the white man north of the Platte.
> In my game Omaha is still a vital cattle town, and Florence is a serperate
> walled off city.  (If you know the history of Florence and Fort Omaha you'll
> know why) Benson is just starting to form about 5 miles west of Omaha as a
> point where Indians and Whites trade for supplies (kinda Neutral teritorry).
> Also the union has seized a bunch of land south of Omaha and is making sure
> no one is getting in, or out.
> Most of my games start in or around Omaha...eventually I plan on submitting
> what I've got done to the Eptitath if Shane will have it.
> John
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