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SV: SV: [DL] Oldest harrowed

Must have been. But not quite so potent. It seems that only those who sacrifice them selves to get "unearthly" powers can pull it off during a "dry spot" liches, vampires by will and such... Many of the books also describe people with powers before the Reckoning though not as powerful... But I can emagine that the heroes in the dark ages got to relax a bit more when the monsters powersupply dwindled... hack hack hack
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Brumy8@aol.com [mailto:Brumy8@aol.com]
Sendt: 7. marts 2002 23:28
Til: deadlands@gamerz.net
Emne: Re: SV: [DL] Oldest harrowed

>What I was wondering though, is there any other
>horrors that could have both stayed active during the
>time of the seal and even be able to create new
>horrors. For instance was werewolfism and vampirism
>still contagious during the time of the seal?