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Re: [DL] bursts per action [MUNCHKINS]

--- Richard A Ranallo <toadpooka@juno.com> wrote:
> If a weapon has an RoF of 3, you can only fire one
> burst per action.  You make one roll, and one bullet
> hits for succeeding, plus one for each raise.  

By that rationale/assumption, you'd have to assume
that anything with a ROF greater than 1 operates the
same way, and it doesn't. Double-action pistols have
ROF of 2 because you can fire them twice in 1 action,
having an ROF of 3 for an automatic weapon just
creates confusion.

>  These rules were primarily written for HoE, where 
> there are guns with rates of fire up to 15 in some 
> cases. For a weapon this fast, the shooter could 
> make up to five Shootin' rolls in a single action.

Then why does Deadlands Weird West have these rules?
There are no guns in any of the rule books or
supplements with such a high ROF. What about the
people that don't play HOE, they aren't going to know
that rule was created for HOE, they're going to (like
me) see it in their regular orange-covered DL WW
rulebook and think (like me) "why on earth does the
recoil max out at -6 when none of the guns can shoot
past a -2 in a single action?"
The mad scientist explanation that was posted earlier
makes sense, but that idea isn't written in the
rulebook at all. I did consider the possibility that a
huckster may have a hex that allows her to fire a gun
many times in one action, but where does this hex
exist (I haven't seen one). Besides, Black Lightning
and Soul Blast are already far more effective ways of
inflicting damage.

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