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Re: d20 Initiative (was [DL] Re: [WW] Re: Systems [Veering OT])

> Maybe it's that it's almost organic in it's flow. D20 is very mechanical,
> you go, he goes, you go, he goes.... DL leads to fast folk who may get all
> their actions lumped in the 2's & 3's while a slow poke draws an ace. It's
> just got something special about it.

I like the fact that while going fast is an advantage, it isn't a 
consistantly overwhelming advantage like it is in several other systems.

With both the dice and the cards, you can't rely on being able to go 
first.  It means that the mook with a shotgun can't be ignored in favor of 
the big bad guy.  

Well, the and fact that everyone has a set number of "hit points" and that 
shotguns tend to blow right through that number, means you can't really 
ignore that guy.

I'm starting up a Feng Shui game and am toying with the idea of 'porting 
over the DL init system.