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Re: [DL] (OT)How to make any roleplayer angry.

On Tue, 4 Jun 2002 18:42:20 +0200 Shane.Mclean@t-online.de (Shane Mclean)
> > ah yes the Magic cookie Tract.  But Don't feel left out 
> non-catholics.  If
> > your jewish, Muslim, Gay, wealthy, Hindu, Jehova Witness, or 
> anything else
> > other then what Jack Chick and his cronies are,  Then I'm sure 
> there is a
> > wonderful little comic out there to offend you as well.

Oof! as a Catholic myself, i must point out that Jack Chick is NOT
Catholic. I have a fair collection of Jack Chick tracts myself, several
of which are anti-catholic. The Pope is the Anti-Christ after all and the
catholic church is the Whore of Babylon.... :P according to the tract
"Are Roman Catholics Christians?". Apparently Catholics are actually
Satanists. Its a very funny read, especially if you are Catholic.

I'd also like to point out for all of you tract collectors to looks at
the citations. I've noticed in some of them that If he's not citeing the
bible (very badly citing the bible) he cites other books that he has
written. boy, I wish I could have gotten away with that in school. Write
two BS papers and have them cite each other in the Bibliography!


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