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Re: [DL] (OT)How to make any roleplayer angry.

> Well, we (I'm a Catholic) caused the Holocaust indirectly even if it 
> was the Nazi's doing the actual killing you see.  According to Chick, 
> the Catholic Church started Communism (in Germany, by the way) in 
> order to overthrow the Russian Czar so that we could get rid of the 
> Russian Orthodox Church.  Then the Bolshevicks backed out on us, and 
> didnt let us slaughter the Orthodox heretics (or whatever), so we 
> created the Nazis to get back at the Reds, and the rest is history.  
> According to Chick, Machevelli has nothing on the Pope.  Oh well.

I would love to know where Chick gets his historical basis for his 
little hate comics.  Chick is one of those fruits (along with Jerry 
Falwell and Pat Robertson) that give people like me (Protestant 
Christian) a bad name.  Like people have said Chick is the type that 
will offend anybody that does not think the same as him.  In my opinion 
he, Falwell, and Robertson are nothing but real life Grimme's (with out 
the cannibalism)  ;)
