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Re: [DL] Hucksters

On Wednesday, June 12, 2002, at 03:29  PM, bobfletch@erols.com wrote:
> I think the reason here is that players are so often unwilling t accept
> the 'minus' that comes with the plus. In my DL and HOE games, we have
> seen blessed, psykers, and one blood mage (but that's another story...
> he thinks being a freak is a good thing... but he'll learn. Oh, and when
> they travel North he may meet the Whately family on business.). Why?
> These are relatively safe backgrounds... The downsides are moral codes, 
> controllable  power limits, and being an outcast (which tends to get
> ignored because outcast PCs are difficult to work into many plots) which
> don't bother players nearly as much as a an occasional roll to see if
> their head explodes.
> I've never had a problem with any of the other AB's, but I will admit 
> that I've never wanted to play a Mad Scientist because I don't like all 
> the reliability rolls.  I recently chose a Templar in HoE at least in 
> part because their powers are a little more subtle and there isn't a 
> drawback to the powers themselves.

Two points:
1. The quoting on your Webmail seems odd.... I thought this was my post 
at first, due to the lack of a 'from' header or quote marks... Just 
mentining it.

2. I actually left out the fact that my HOE game has a templar as well 
for mostly the same reasons. The only power she seems to use is the 
healing power, and the templar moral code is something that can be 
worked with.

Again... It's instinct that takes effort to overcome to take a more 
powerful set of powers because they get much less reliable.

On the other hand, I'm proud that my posse:
* Doesn't treat weapons, especially relics, as throw-aways. This is a 
common trait from D&D games (Hey, I do it in D&D!) where players gladly 
sell their +1 swords when a +2 becomes available. I strongly support the 
concept that magic items are rare and each has a story, etc. My posse 
often investigates the history and ownership of any weapons that stand 
* Does take some 'good' hindrances. Specifically, ones that are good for 
the Marshall!
* Accepts the necessary GM fiat... When I need to handwave a section of 
an adventure, I can declare a cutscene and run with it...

Overall, I shouldn't complain.


MAN? (Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett)