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RE: [DL] House Rules: Fate Chips (looking for opinions)

This is how my group interpreted the wound rules back in the first
release of Deadlands in '96, before errata or clarifications made it
clearer to us.

It definitely increases the gritty feel of the game when you know that a
lucky damage roll can kill you at any time, even if you have all 10 blue

I say go for it, though it may only reinforce your cambat-avoider's
tendency to avoid a situation they can't completely control.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net] On
Behalf Of Patrick Downs
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 2:45 PM
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] House Rules: Fate Chips (looking for opinions)

I'm thinking of instituting a house rule that my
players can only spend one chip to negate one wound.
That is, if a gun man shoots a PC twice and inflicts 1
wound level with the first bullet and 5 wound levels
with the second bullet, the player may only spend one
chip for each of those bullets. Presumably a white for
the first, and something else for the second bullet.

Basically, I'm getting tired of my players hoarding
their chips and never taking wounds. I had one player
who spent his chips to neagte every single wound he
ever received, he never got any bounty and once he ran
out of chips he would avoid combat altogether.

what are your thoughts oh great and wise DL community?

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