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[DL] New edges for wasted/weird west

these are ones i came up with, and will be the first to go on my site.  i want anyone else's edges/hinderances too!  i'm hoping to have a big ol' list eventually.  one that isn't on here is the android, which i still need a couple more bodies, but anyways....
New Edges/hinderances:
Reincarnation 5
Your character is a reincarnation of a character from Deadlands:the Weird west.  to take this edge, your character must be the same age as the Character at the same point in time(ask your marshall).  Your new character gets any skills from Knowledge that your other character has at that point.  Also, your character gets all the memories your other character has had up to that point in time.  as time progresses in hell on earth or lost colony, your character gains memories and knowledge-based skills up to that point.  This character cannot take the edge Veteran of the Weird West.   That's not to say that your old character can't last until the next setting...
Used to be famous 3
Before the last war, your character was famous.  it's probably a good idea that your character be at least 30 years old.  Some people will recognize your character, and that's when  the fun begins.  there are usually 3 types of people who recognize you.
1:The people who didn't give a crap about you.  Try and use your influence on them and they'll most likely disrespect you.
2:The people who loved you.  Your endearing fans.  these people will be absolutely delighted to see your face again, and you get a +6 to any rolls you make to persuade them.
3:The people who absolutely hated you, possibly out of jealousy for your extravagant lifestyle.  Nowadays you're likely living just like they are, but that doesn't keep them from holding a grudge, or getting a +4 to any persuasion or likewise rolls you make against them.
Forbidden Knowledge 3
lucky!  your Marshall reads you a single paragraph from the GM's section.  usually some pretty incriminating stuff, especially in the weird west.  however, this is more a hinderance than an edge.  first off, who's going to belive you?  and what if you let the wrong people know what you know?  be careful, you were warned.