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RE: [DL] was: Quick note: Barnes & Nobles(becoming Slam D20)

I don't really think it comes under the heading of 'belief' - its an opinion. These are different things, and dismissing what I have to say as 'slander' shows that you apparently don't grasp this. I have nothing further to say on the topic, but your reaction to it is a little odd.

I do not slander D20, I say I don't like it, and explain why - and its not even the system really, its the whole monculture thing that distresses me. In the same way it is not slander to say that I consider George W Bush to be a moron, but it IS slander to claim he molests goats (unless I have evidence). 

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin L Stoner [mailto:stone1kl@cmich.edu]
Sent: Monday, 29 July 2002 4:58 p.m.
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] was: Quick note: Barnes & Nobles(becoming Slam D20)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Chiddicks" <Mark.Chiddicks@descisys.com>
Date: Sunday, July 28, 2002 9:59 pm
Subject: RE: [DL] Quick note: Barnes & Nobles

> Its not meant as flamebait, its just genuine incomprehension that 
> anyone, anywhere thinks character classes and levels add anything 
> to a game. Its pretty obvious when you look at the history of RPGs 
> that the one idea in D&D that nobody ever copied, anywhere was the 
> class & level system. Skill based systems are simply more flexible 
> and a better model of imaginary personae. Can anyone argue with 
> this? Really?
> Even 3ed D&D adopted a skill system - leaving levels and classes 
> obsolete even within the game that invented them (at least, it 
> SHOULD have)!
> I just hate seeing a bad idea made widespread simply due to 
> economic might - its like Windows 3.1! D20 gives Call of Cthulhu 
> characters more hitpoints as they gain experience! CALL OF 
> CTHULHU!!!! Come off it, Henry Armitage, 18th level professor with 
> 40 HP, or little old man who can barely climb the stairs? 

I am only posting one time to politely ask you to refrain from 
slandering anyones beliefs on the list. It has been gone over a 
hundred times and no matter how convincing your argument is you are 
never going to make people read your post and suddenly go "my god you 
are right I never thought of it that way I am such an idiot" because 
most of us have already thought of your points and shrugged them off. 
Please refrain from slandering d20 since this is very very far from 
the purpose of this list. RPG.net has a great forum for discussing 
such things, as do may other "roleplaying" sites. This site tries to 
concentrate on Deadlands as a whole, rather than deadlands as a rules 
system. To sum up any future posts I trust will be addressed by the 
proper people who I am sure will also politely ask you to refrain from 
stepping on anyone elses beliefs. 

Marshal Kevin Stoner

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