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RE: [DL] Quick note: Barnes & Nobles [OT]

It is a surprise to discover that D&D was still the brand leader in the USA when WOTC bought TSR - I'd never have guessed this, since in the UK and NZ it had virtually died and other systems were far far more popular. Knowing this makes the whold D20 thing make more sense. I couldn't imagine why anyone would want D20 Deadlands or Call of Cthulhu (Actually, that second one, I still can't), but now I see that D&D was actually still selling in the US in significant quantities it makes far more sense.

I suspect the business logic underlying it is faulty - D&D is successful where it is successful because its straight fantasy, kick down the door kill the moster, take the treasure, and those hardcore D&Ders I knew didn't play other games because of the setting, not the system. Indeed a good GM makes the system transparent anyway. The setting is actually the main reason I DON'T play D&D (generic fantasy bores me), and I'd be quite happy to play D20 in a setting that I felt fitted the style of the system - Star Wars maybe, or even DL if D20 didn't strip out the bits I like best about DL (the cards for example).

The best thing that can happen is this:

D20 version of an existing game attracts new players from D&D. They discover they like the setting. One player says - 'hey, I got hold a copy of the original rules, they seem pretty cool'. the group try it, realise that D20 is kinda sucky in comparison and switch. The makers of the game sell 2 new rulebooks, gain several new players and the D20 version ends up withering and dying within a year or 2. I know for certain that this is Chaosium's big hope with D20 Cthulhu (and if you think D20 DL is controversial, boy thats nothing compared to the fuss D20 CoC has caused)

So here's my idea for Pinnacle

Put a discount coupon for classic DL in every D20 rulebook!

-----Original Message-----
From: Janne Matti Oskari Vuorenmaa [mailto:jvuorenm@cc.hut.fi]
Sent: Monday, 29 July 2002 5:36 p.m.
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: RE: [DL] Quick note: Barnes & Nobles [OT]

> Actually one last comment - that 'fantasy world' you mention is actually
> pretty much exactly the gaming community that I have existed in since
> about 1984, in both Britain and New Zealand - I was a little surprised
> when 3ed D&D came out cos I thought nobody played 'that old thing' any
> more. Maybe 'Earth Prime' has different sub-planes :)

Same thing here, actually. Except that when wizards bought T$R, something
like the D3D was to be expected. Anyways, it's vast success was a surprise
to me.
Now, I know a handfull of guys playing it, and honestly still believe,
that WOD is more popular here, at least in the 15yrs or more-part of the
gaming populace.

But, this is not DL, so I'll shut up.

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