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Re: [DL] Freeing the Slaves

>         I don't know how big your hands are, good sir, but Joseph H. 
> Crute's definitive _Units of the Confederate States Army_ lists 22 
> different Kentucky Regiments. One of which, I might add, contained 
> four of my ancestors.

Mr. Curte's work is excellent.  I guess what I ment here was Kentucky 
provided much more manpower to the Union than to the Confederacy.  I 
would like to add too that I have three ancestors that were in Field's 
Company Partisan Rangers.

>> I always have to chuckle when I hear Kentuckians and West Virginians 
>> saying that they are rebels
>         Some of them were.

But not all, too many folks on both sides of the Mason Dixon think that 
Kentucky and WV were full confederate states.  Which I find mildly 
