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RE: [DL] Getting Started

I picked it up on ebay for $15. One of the authors is selling quite a few of
them that way.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
Behalf Of Allan Seyberth
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2002 11:40 PM
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: Re: [DL] Getting Started

 >but I cannot recommend high enough the Knuckleduster
 >Cowtown Creator book (from Knuckduster of course).
 >It's about 25$ and worth it's weight in gold,

I haven't picked it up- yet.  It's on the list.  But their firearms book is
also an incredible book.

Allan Seyberth

Worshiping the earth is more fun than going to church. It's also closer. We
can just step off the sidewalk. And sometimes we can get impressionable
members of the opposite sex to perform sacramental rites with us. "Every
drop of water wasted is a drop less of a wild and scenic river, Jennifer.
We'd better double up in the shower."
                 -P.J. O'Rourke

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