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Re: [DL] {DL} Medicine yet again.

 I've not thought this through completely and am in no way medically
connected - however how about something like the following?

Hankerin' - minor: Say requires 1 bottle a week. (as per
Hankerin':Minor rules)

Hankerin' - Severe: Requires 2 bottles a week.  (as per
Hankerin':Severe rules).  Plus each session roll Vigor TN3 to see how
his system is coping with the addiction.  If it is failed the hankerin'
increases one level (i.e. to addicted) and roll on the Scart chart as a
TN3 terror.

Hankerin' - Critical: Requires 4 bottle a week.  If he doesn't have
some of X every 24 hours he is at -4 to all skills.  Each session roll
Vigor TN5 to see how his system is coping with the addiction.  If it is
failed the addiction increases one level and roll on the Scart chart as
a TN5 terror.

Hankerin' - Deadly: Requires 8 bottles a week.  if he doesn't have some
of X every 12 hours he is at -6 to all skills.  Each session roll Vigor
TN7 to see how his system is coping with the addiction.  If it is
failed roll on the Scart chart as a TN7 terror.  From this time on
increase the TN by 2 every time the Vigor check is failed for both
future vigor checks and Scart checks.

Overdose - if the character takes half of the weekly dose or more in
one go - an overdose check is made.  

For this the character makes an immediate Vigor check dependent on the
dosage taken that is over his limit

TN = 1+ 2 * (dosage taken - [half weekly dosage - round down])  

So a person taking 4 bottles of his drug with 

Hankerin' - minor would make an over dose check against a TN of 9 (TN =
1+ 2*[4-0])
Hankerin' - Severe would make an over dose check against a TN of 7 (TN
= 1+ 2*[4-1])
Hankerin' - Addicted  would make an over dose check against a TN of 5
(TN = 1+ 2*[4-2])
Hankerin' - Deadly wouldn't need to make a check at all.

Failing the overdose check would require a Scart check based upon the
TN of the Vigor roll and would also increase the addiction level.

Just something cobbled together, I hope it is of help.


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