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[DL] {DL} Medicine yet again.

I have a question on overdoseing. I play my doctor in
game and he actually is a partner in a startup medical
clinic in Dodge. 

Half of the posse tonight was battling Prairie Ticks
and one posse member got infested actually they both
got infested, while I was off fighting personal
Manitou back in Dodge. One of the members decided to
try to kill it by taking a massive dose of opium,
luckily for him he's half-way tolerant due to the fact
he is an addict. We attempted to find overdose rules
but didn't find any I'm just wondering what the rules
are for overdose. We ended up just treating it as a
heart attack.

Might be handy for when I'm having to treat it and

Any help would be much appreciated.

"I don't hit what I aim at when I don't fire my gun"
- Rupert

"This is to ease the pain" - Rupert
"But I'm not in any pain" - Ric
"Oh, you will be when I'm done with you" - Rupert

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