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Re: [DL] {DL} Medicine yet again.

At 02:20 AM 8/5/2002 -0700, you wrote:
 >I have a question on overdoseing. I play my doctor in
 >game and he actually is a partner in a startup medical
 >clinic in Dodge.
 >Half of the posse tonight was battling Prairie Ticks
 >and one posse member got infested actually they both
 >got infested, while I was off fighting personal
 >Manitou back in Dodge. One of the members decided to
 >try to kill it by taking a massive dose of opium,
 >luckily for him he's half-way tolerant due to the fact
 >he is an addict. We attempted to find overdose rules
 >but didn't find any I'm just wondering what the rules
 >are for overdose. We ended up just treating it as a
 >heart attack.

No can help you, as I haven't seen any rules for 'em.

But you should be able to check on line and get the real world effects of 
opium OD.

Allan Seyberth

The more people I meet, the more I like my cat.