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Re: [DL] DL: Los Diablos (SHANE, Marshals only)

 --- Eric Avedissian <eric@pro-usa.net> wrote: > Marshals only, please!
> spoiler space
> spoiled yet?
<snip on Los Diablos problem>
> Any thoughts on this, people?

I would take him aside and say that it was good that "Shane" could
clarify the harrowed ruling.

I would then say that the rules also declare that he is a Los Diablos -
hence you have no option but to declare that his character has become a
harrowed Los Diablos.  Then I'd appeal to his saner side, saying that
it is extremely silly for the player to be playing a piece of cattle
that transforms into a Los Diablos when he loses control.  So although
the character is technically still alive it is completely unplayable
(how would he speak to the party - moo?) , so he has to draw his cards
for a new character.

The harrowed issue is really incidental to the characters' real



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