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[DL] New Mad Scientist's Edge

Having recently purchased Hell on Earth and The Junkman Cometh, I was inspired to create a new Edge for Mad Scientists. Please let me know what you think... (I apologize in advance for the table below. You just can't get those things to format properly in a text message.)

Haunted - Browser Spirit	3 or 5

In addition to Manitou, the Scientist also has a powerful Tech Spirit whispering in her ear. Although Browser Spirits will become much more prominent in the future (think Hell on Earth), they also exist in the present, albeit in much smaller numbers. Because these Tech Spirits wish to assist Mankind and understand technology in ways that Manitou don't, they are able to provide more than just inspiration.

For three points, the Browser Spirit hails from the Weird West, and uses its knowledge to help the Scientist build a more stable device. As a result, the Reliability of any device built is increased by one (19 Max). For five points, the browser is time-displaced from the future. It also provides a +1 Reliability bonus, but it also knows much, much more about futuristic technology and can help the Scientist create incredibly advanced devices. Accordingly, the Minimum Hand required to create any device it knows about is reduced by one. 

If the player selects the 5-point version of this Edge, the Marshal should roll 2d8 or simply choose one of the Browser Types below. The browser's power is limited by the kind of technology it represents. Because of this, the Minimum Hand bonus provided by the browser only applies to devices covered by that browser's Specialty.

Result Type	   Specialty
2-3    Gun	   weapons
4-6    Appliance   improved Phys. Traits, energy generators, sensory devices, etc
7-9    Building	   armor, environment control, containment, etc
10-12  Vehicle	   trains, steam wagons, airships, boats, etc
13-15  Information communications, improved Mental Traits, etc
16     Tool	   all devices

Derek D. Bass
Etheric Musings - The Science of the Sons of Ether
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