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Re: [DL] Conversion Bounty Points to Chips

 --- Patrick Jungbluth <pjungbluth@arcor.de> wrote: > Hello everybody,
> i remember seeing somewhere on the web a page which has the
> conversions from the old bounty points to the new chip rewards for
> the old dime novels. i also remember that there where the stats for
> lady cinthy carstairs from perditions daugther. i could swear it was
> at the peginc hompage but i can not find it anymore. 

I remember seeing the conversion data and the stats for Carstairs under
the downloads section of the Pinnacle website.





> while asking about conversion how do you handle the speed difference
> between stone (SPD 2) and iron (SPD 1) tomahawks?

I'd just let them both be used as a SPD 1 weapon.



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