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Re: [DL] Characters from Tom Cashman's Site?

 --- Gary Miles <gmiles@avalon.net> wrote: > Howdy, y'all...
> In perusin' th' net fer ideas, I ran across a review of Tom Cashman's
> site which said that he had writeups for the Lone Ranger, Jim West,
> and
> other "fictional" characters. Now, the site itself is no longer
> around,
> but if'n any of ya out there has these characters stored away on
> their
> harddrives, I be much beholdin' to ya if'n ya could email them to me
> as
> plain text.

Not much help with this one - but as an alternative you could check out
Sitting Duck's web site which has stats for famous characters such as
the Lone Ranger.  




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