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Re: [DL] Why do people grumble about deadlands d20?

At 05:22 AM 11/21/2002, Mr. Nicholas Bouquet wrote:
>Too much space was eaten up for D20 rules, space that could have been used 
>to make LC the product you origionally invisioned.

         You are more than entitled to your opinion re: Lost Colony, good 
sir, and have every right to feel disappointed in what you purchased. 
However, you assume to know what LC was "origionally invisioned (sic)" to 
be, and in all fairness, only Shane himself knows what that is.
         For all either of us know, LC was *exactly* what Shane wanted. You 
still have a right to hate it, but not to compare it to something you've 
never beheld.

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Educator & Freelance RPG Writer
Fellow, Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver

"Look upon me! I'll show you the life of the mind!"
--Charlie Meadows (John Goodman), _Barton Fink_