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Re: [DL] Why do people grumble about deadlands d20?

--- Nicholas Bouquet <nbouqu1@prodigy.net> wrote:
> There is no other way to put this.... The Lost 
> Colony Rulebook is a piece of crap. You can do better. You have done 
> better. I've seen it. I am very disappointed in you, Shane.

I respectfully suggest that you not say something is bad without being
specific. You are saying that the content that /was/ present in the LC
book (regardless of the quantity) was of poor quality, but you make no
specific assertions as to what was poor. What was bad? What didn't you

As a foundation book for the environment, I found it quite satisfying. The
only criticism I would currently place on LC is that it feels . . .
incomplete. Most of that is simply due to the fact that Shane doesn't
usually tell us the whole story in the rulebook.

And if you are on the LC listserve, that might be a better place to take
this discussion.


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