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Re: [DL] Doomtown, Gomorra, etc.

 --- "Mr. Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed." <sosentinel@adelphia.net>

>          IMHO, some really fine books came out of this period (e.g.,
> The 
> Black Circle, Ghost Busters Rain o' Terror) and at least one really
> bad one 
> (Dead Presidents) when the link (and other factors) overruled good
> sense. 
I think you do Dead Presidents (and your writing) a disservice.  I am
far more likely to use Dead Presidents than Ghost Busters simply
because I feel there is a greater variation during the adventure for
the posse.  Sure there are some things I dislike about the adventure
(which I won't go into as my thoughts should be archived somewhere),
however it has the structure I need to work with in order to tailor it
to my posse, which makes it work for me.  

> Still, I'll never forget:
>          John Goff: "We want you to do an adventure that wraps up all
> the 
> Confederate plot threads."
>          Me: "Awesome!"
>          John: "It starts in Doomtown."
>          Me: ?!?!?!?

Which begs the question - where/how would you have chosen to start Dead



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