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[DL] The Empire: Sources, a campaign idea and the Tai Ping Rebellion

One of the easiest and certainly the most enjoyable
way to pick up some background on the rest of the
world in general and the British Empire in particular
are the Flashman books by George McDonald Frazer. The
books are funny, the stories and history are superb
and they will set you up with a wealth of scenario

In China the Tai Ping Rebellion, 1850-1866, was until
WW II the most lethal war in history. The cult was
odd, the leader claimed to be the 'younger brother of
Jesus Christ'.

The British Empire covered a lot of area; it ranged
from the frozen wastes of Canada (Franklin expedition
wendigos anyone?) to India (thugee), Australia (with a
renegade state led by Ned Kelly?) and New Zealand
(Moas and brave, ferocious, cannibalistic Maori).

The Royal Navy was the best and largest in the world
as well as the most advanced and forward looking. It
had the two-power standard where the RN was larger
than the next two largest navies (the French and
Russian) combined. They had a lot of old obsolete
ships and some freaks but everyone did, the pace of
change was so rapid. They were also virtually
omnipresent so that anywhere there was enough water
you could find the RN, whether suppressing slavery in
Africa, surveying anywhere or lending support to the
army - which often led to ratings manning guns far

I think the crew of a small RN ship; a small steam
sloop perhaps, might be a rather good basis for a
campaign. Give everyone an officer and a rating or two
so that when the first lieutenant leads a shore party
everyone gets to participate. You get to give them
vague orders as the NPC admiral of the XXX station and
they are left to carry them out.

This would work for the USN or CSN as well but they
have less reason to go anywhere and apart from the
monitor fleet which is strictly coastal or riverine
the rest of the USN is small and obsolete.

Who is British and fears it shows

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