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[DL] two fisted

question for you all:
in regards to the edge "Two Fisted", I need to ask those "in the know" some 
questions.  I don't remember right off, but someone here said that the way 
it worked was you rolled your shootin' skill (ie 5D12) and any raises you 
get on the highest dice are the extra bullets that hit.  Say, TN of 5, you 
roll a "12", your first bullet and second bullet hit, but no more.  Now, 
maybe we've been doing it wrong, but the way we played it was you get 5D12 
to roll for each shot.  In this case, 2(5D12) & 2(5D12)-2 (off hand 
penality) and any raises affect your hit location.  Seemed to make sense to 
me, but then I read the other explanation.  If it is only raises = extra 
bullets, doesn't seem to be worth taking.  How else do you count the 
remaining -2 penality for the off hand?  Can you not "raise" or "lower" any 
of your hit location rolls?  What if you get five raises on your rolls (not 
pratical, but not impossible)?
So, have we been doing this wrong the whole time?
Thanks to all and Merry Christmas!,
Butch Rosenbalm

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