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Re: [DL] Time Machine

On Monday, December 30, 2002, at 04:21  PM, Eric Avedissian wrote:

> Okay.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on mad scientists in the Weird West or
> Hell on Earth inventing time machines and traveling to each game
> setting?
> I understand the perils with time travel, as related in The Collegium,
> page 109, but does anyone have any thoughts on a mad scientist 
> inventing
> a ghostrock-powered time travel device? Any theories?

A few books have mentioned the ramifications of this... Basically, the 
main thing is that the official paradox theory of Deadlands is that it 
isn't possible, generally. First, travel goes between epochs, not 
specific times, so you lose a lot of the issues of the posse trying to 
Bill & Ted their way out of situations.The best they can do is hide 
something in the Weird West and hope it's still in place by the Wasted 
West. That's a lot of time for their cache of gear to be undisturbed... 
And a lot of the money-making opportunities of having historic relics 
in the future kinds of falls by the wayside when the Horseman have had 
their ride.

Anyway, most of this is because the known incidents of time travel 
involve the Hunting Grounds directly... Perhaps a 'time tunnel' machine 
would be the most likely, which would also deal with the idea of taking 
HoE era weapons back to the past. This can be done, but only in limited 
quantities... Essentially, what one person can carry on a dangerous 
walk through the Hunting Grounds.

However... The possibility of a Chrono Trigger inspired game is 
something I've considered, although not likely for Deadlands (maybe 
SW)... Allow time-travel between set locations with independant mobile 
time machines available, but unreliable, so some sort of 
node/focus/whatever is required most of the time.

One more thing for Deadlands... I believe the base time for such an 
invention would be measured in years, so the likely time such an 
invention could be completed would possibly be approaching the turn of 
the century... And the components could form the basis for a campaign 
if the posse is interested.