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[DL] More of the Rail wars in Deadlands

Poential Spoilers...

Black Circle and River o' Blood covers what kind of nastiness can be
expected from the 
Bayou Vermillion (Hired Guns, Walkin' Dead, Zombies, Hougans, Bokkor,
Nosferatu, Skinwalkers, Tonton Macout)and Black River (Hired Guns,
Memphis Belles, Wolves, Devil Bats, Baby Rattlers, Werewolves, Witchia
Witches, Veteran Witchita Witches)

City o' Gloom, the Collegium, and Smith and Robards pretty well covers
what Hellestomme can whip up for Wastach
(Hired guns, Automatons, Clock Work Terrantuals, Mad Scientists, any sort
of mad science gizmo, gaget and weapon.)

Union Blue can get ahold of whatever the Agency and the US Army can get
ahold of
(Soldiers, Sharpshooters, Agents, Cleaners, Chaplain Corp, Heavy
Artillery, Cavalry, etc)

Dixie rails can get whatever the Confederate Army and Texas Rangers can
(Soldiers, Sharpshooters, Rangers, "Musicians", God's Corp, Heavy
Artillery, Cavalry, etc)

but what about Kang and the Iron Dragon? Is there any good supplemental
material out there for dealing with his part of the rail wars? I have The
Great Maze, but that primarily covers Kangs involvments with the Triad is
Shan Fan and his Pirates, not really his rail road business. It seems to
me his only advantage over the other rail barons is his right of way
through the sioux nations and his power in California.
(Mratial Artists, Pyromasters, Ogres, Tongs, Hired Guns, Sorcerors)
It seems to me that Kang is rather out gunned unless there something I
missed or there will be more development with this later.


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