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Re: [DL] Help with an NPC that has Multiple Personalities

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More than happy to help, sounds like quite the challenge to run such a game, how are you at accents?
  This poor simple cowpoke
has seen more than any dumb mortal oughta and danged if'n
his mind ain't snapped into multiple personalities.
I personally find that the best way to handle multiple personalities is to start slow and work up,  for example, ok, he's a cow poke at the moment, his first flip out happens to make him a slightly confused buffalo gal, in a mans body, "Winston Taylor becomes Winnafred"
The hardest thing about this is going to be taking away the comedy and placing pity and a desire to help within the party. A good way to do this is to have him kill the cow pokes dog in accordance with the following character on the grounds that....
"it just seemed to turn bad, don't know who I am any more"

MAJOR JACK GALVASTON  & Hotspur the dog.

Best Friend To The Hero

 Major Jack Galveston of the United States Cavalry... a bluff, no-nonsense, straight-talking heroic sort of old-fashioned chap. Very stiff upper lip and all that sort of thing.  He looks like a Nordic version of Omar Sharif in Dr. Zhivago, with a moustache, a pipe, a hip flask full of single malt, a labrador called Hotspur and a horse that I called Silverflame. He was from an old aristocratic military family back in England, but I suspect some falling out with his relatives had caused him to cross the pond and attend West Point before heading into the Union Cavalry, and from there, south to  Texas. His nightmare was being the only man alive on a battlefield, surrounded by the bodies of his dead comrades.

Give the dog the soulful eyes thing before the trigger is pulled and have the major cry afterwards, then change the personality again.
Wish I had more time but my kids ar calling 
The ohter point would be as an excuse to actually create multiple characters and use the crack in his mind to house a nice lil manitou who opens the door to the spirit world and consequently actually lets this guys mind get possessed by the souls of the dead.
Suggestions For Personalities Follow
I'd be much appreciated if you could come up with a character from these stats.
Make of him what you will.  Even use the Joker for a Mysterious Past. 
I only have the following restrictions.  He's a white man, about 30yrs of age and
he's alive (not Harrowed, please).  His core-character is a basic cowboy with Horse
riding, Cow Wrangling, and ok shot with a Shotgun.
Help here would be appreciated.
Please email characters to wewatson@direcway.com
Thanks pardners,
Doc Watson

Peter King,
Moderator Of Deadlands UK
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