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Re: [DL] Fudging

On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 04:13:37PM +0000, John Billings said:
> Spolier space.

 For this post anyway, no spoilers unless you're a member of his posse.  In
 fact non-Marshals might find it an interesting topic too...

> Marshalls amongst us - an earlier thread raised the point of fudging, 
> or cheating - to what extent to other marshalls use this?

 There's as many different opinions on this topic as there are GMs, or
 perhaps even roleplayers.  So this is merely my take on it.

 I would say never fudge.  If you need to railroad your players by fudging,
 you should take a step back and have a look at what you're trying to achieve.
 A good GM should be able to take the results of the dice rolls and make a
 story out of them - trying to shepherd your players through a pre-arranged
 plot is not what an RPG is about.  If that's what you're trying to do, write
 a novel.

 The other approach to take is where everybody works together to an end -
 whether the plot is sketched out beforehand and everybody just tries to
 go through it in the most interesting way possible, or it's completely
 plotless and just an exploration of character backgrounds and personalities.
 This reduces the GM's power a load.  Either way though, I'd say stick with
 the rules.  I freakin' hate when a GM fudges in either direction when I'm
 playing.  I hate even suspecting that it might be happening.

 Other opinions?


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