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[DL] Non-AB characters (was Re: Fudging)

What are the AB's in your posse?  

The way I would work it, is to think where the cowgirl shines.  She
must have skills that are superior to her AB capable friends - what are
they - and work a way for her to get to use them.  I encourage
characters to take some odd skills that reflect past experience - and I
do my best to let these skills come in handy at some point. I also like
them to detail a bit of backgorund - where they come from etc and try
to get characters to make knowledge rolls specific to their background
locations.  Just pick out bits that make them feel more unique.

Also, what about situations that put AB's at a disadvantage.  If you
started a gunfight in a saloon - would the huckster be able to cast his
hexes without being seen - he'd be taking a great chance if he did.  A
mad scientist wouldn't be able to pull out his flamethrower or open up
with a gattling weapon due to innocent parties (or if he did, the law
wouldn't take kindly to it).  

Finally - you don't need to make someone a full AB to give them
something special.  Take the wrestling maneuvers in the Texas Rangers
book.  Why not create some special moves for a whip, the character must
have a certain proficiency with the whip and pay a few bounty to learn
the special moves - but it means she can do cool things with a weapon
she likes.  I had a similar situation with a guy that wanted to do
something different with a sword.  He's ended up with an ancestor
teaching him the art of Spanish Fencing.  We created some rules for
different maneuvers that he could make from reading some internet
articles on the spanish fencing style.  It's worked reasonably well,
however we haven't given the rules a full playtest yet.



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