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Re: [DL] Fudging

>  The galaxy's a dangerous place.  If interstellar travel were a walk in
>  park, if people didn't die doing it, the setting would be different.
>  Personally, I like the idea that a Cyberpunk character can be killed by a
>  mugger on the streets of Night City - pointless, meaningless deaths DO
>  happen, and it's this element of danger that makes the setting real and
>  provides atmosphere.  How are you supposed to feel that you live in a
>  dangerous place if there's no actual danger to you?

I guess this is a matter of taste.  I have a real life ... and it's okay.  I
play games to have a chance to be bigger than life ... to be heroic ... to
have fun.  Pointless, meaningless deaths to _player_characters_ have no
place in any game I would be interested in playing.  It's just not worth my
time and effort.

>  Another point is the aforementioned Astrogation roll.  If the game
>  for it isn't going to be used, then the player pretty much wasted his
>  character points taking the skill.

I agree with this ... to a point.  I think the GM was the problem.  The
Skill _should_ be used ... just not as a "you make it, you live, you blow
it, you die."  If I had been the GM, it is likely that the Ship would have
been badly damaged, requireing someone to then show those mechanical skills
to fix it.  The characters would have been in a bad situation, but not
instant death.

>  Again, I disagree.  When I play an RPG, I WANT the chance to mess up.  I
>  expect my GM to be able to handle that and incorporate it.  I do NOT want
>  be railroaded through the GM's story.  Unless it's been agreed beforehand
>  that that's what the game will involve.

Again, I think your taking it to an extreme.  Messing up != instant death.
Or at least, it shouldn't.  Death _should_ be a possibility, but it
shouldn't be the first and main possiblity.

~ Mike