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Re: [DL] What is "Western"?

Themes: Heroes and Villains, Justice and Injustice, the Strong and the
Weak, Man vs. Nature

Boom Town- quickly set up town around a source of gold silver, or other
precious resourses, such Ghost Rock in Deadlands. once the score dries
up, the town will most likey dry up and become a...
Ghost Town: dried up town. a few permanent structures. Mostly
abbandonned. may be a few stubborn hangers on, or people trying to hide.
Cattle Town: the town's income relies on the cattle trade and the men
that move them
Rail town: a town revolving around it's rail road. set up because it was
convinent for the rail company.
Mexican Village: a towen near the border or south of it with mexican
farmers, built of adobe bricks. the church is most likely the center of
towna dn the most important building
Devils Corner: a small town full of brothels and bars set up a short ways
from a larger more respectible town
Indian Village: a settlement of indians whether nomadic or permanent.
they likly distrust white and for good reason

Plot Devices:
Bank Robbery
Train Robbery
stage Coach Robbery
Cattle Rustling
Claim Jumping
Outlaw Gangs
Law vs. Outlaw
Racial/Ethnic issues (White vs. Chinese, White vs. Indian, White vs.
Black, Catholic vs. Protostant, Irish vs. Germans, etc)

Character Traits:
there are three types of people in the west. the ones that want to work
hard and do something (Cowboys, farmers, railworkers, etc). The ones that
want to make there lives easier (doctors, religious, teachers, etc). and
the ones that want to take advantage of the everyone else (gamblers,
outlaws, prostitutes, etc.)

A great place to go for info is the Cowtown Creator by Knuckleduster
Press. It's reveared by many as the rpg Western setting bible.

On Tue, 27 May 2003 00:34:03 -0400 Aaron Chusid <aaron@to-the-point.org>
> Silly question, I know, but as I get ready to GM my first ever DL 
> campaign 
> (not having even played before), I want to have a better feeling for 
> what 
> Western is.
> It's more than just Cowboy hats and horses and six shooters and 
> showdowns 
> at high-noon; those are the decorations, not what really makes it a 
> western.
> What are the themes, the motifs, the elements, plot devices, 
> character 
> traits, and so on that I should keep in mind to make the world, the 
> story, 
> and the npc's *feel* western?
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