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Re: [DL] New to the game....

First, welcome to Deadlands, pardner!

Second, I'd be careful with that party. It's high powered, and honestly,
that MA idea is really sick to the point of obserdity, so I wouldn't
allow it.

Remember, this is deadlands. your in the AMERICAN WEST. Keep on them
about the Ferner thing - if you have a heavy accent in the south, think
of the response you get. Triple it and you get the Weird West. And
there's always someone with some Grudge ("Hey you limey brit! You
attacked Detroit you pig-screw'n son of a b*tch!", "Damn Chinamen and
their opium, planning to screw the delicate flower of white
womanhood....") If you want some hints to play characters like this, go
get one of the early M*A*S*H season DVD sets - Frank Burns is a perfect
basis. He's not brave, he's a horrid coward. He hugs his nationalism as
a way to protect his own status, not in a genuine care for his country.
When it is a burden, he shoves off, and when he's scared, he wraps a
flag around himself. He's a sniveling little weasel, and that's how I
think of most bigots. Plus, his horrid since of humor is really annoying.

Related to being Ferners, be careful with the meta gaming! It may seem
like an easy prospect for us today to think of going North to South, but
during the Civil War, it was an act of Treason. As well, there's no
straight idea on HOW to do it - Rail, Boat, Land, there's a lot of
options but all of them are dangerous. That's just one option. There's a
lot of American-only things they may not get being Foreign. PCs will
need help - present NPCs to help them deal with these kind of tricks,
but be subtle. Luke only met Han in a bar, probably the most important
hook-up in the history of the Galaxy. :-)

Good luck pardner!


Tyler Childers wrote:

My first exposure to DL was back in early 2002 when I picked up a copy of the Gurps:DL Weird West to round out my collection of Gurps sourcebooks. I fell in love with the setting from the start; a curious affection considering that I had no paticular love of the Western genre before getting into it. What I fell in love with was the Huckster. I have been gaming for nearly 20 years now--took time off for marriage, and have long been a devotee of magic (both real and fantasy) so the real world analogies of Hoyle and his Hucksters had instant appeal. I tried to run a Gurps DL game but it had no takers. This is kinda strange since I am now at the foothills of an ongoing Classic Deadlands campaign, and now everyone is jumping on. I have used the Big Sale goin on at Smith and Robards and have actively auctioned on eBay to get a sizable collection of Classic books going. Just today I got the leatherbound revised book in the mail (wouldn't even let one of my posse touch it!!!) and was a very happy Marshall.
Any tips for the new guy? My collection includes a passel of the Dime Novels which I plan on using for adventures plus a nice meta-plot cooked up by myself to fill in the gaps.
As for the posse, we have a British Huckster, a Mexican Priest (blessed), and a Austrian Mad Scientist. One more player has yet to make a character and she is split between the Ugly as sin, short as a dollarcake Nun (also blessed) and a Taoist-Martial Arts exorsist (also Blessed--with Enlightened to boot). If she goes with the Taoist, I am goint to have to call the the Ferner Posse (since the other three did take that hinderance)

Thanks for listening.
