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Re: [DL] Perdition's Daughter (or OOPS...I didn't MEAN to put a flying claw in your head, mister!)

I will be running this adventure for our Deadlands Chrismas party this year.  As for the Bad MA, he needs to be whacked upside the head by Karma.
There is a monster in the HOE book called a Fate Eater.  What it does is lock onto someone then starts to steal fate chips from them (with the chips it has counting towards the players 10 chip max).  Usually it is every time they sleep.  There is more to it than that but something along shose lines would be fitting.  Perhaps it stalks its target for X number of days then attacks him using his own fate chips against him.
This could be to negate chips his the target uses to buy off wounds, or to increase damage rolls vs his target.  Feed off his target for a while, give him night terrors and/or bad luck before moving in for the kill.  With no or little fate chips the target will not last long.  Maybe the other MAs see visions of the the MA that killed DuChamp and tell others about him.  People will start to associate him with death untill he atones for his wrong doings.  Maybe he will need to take on a FULL pacifist hinderance for a period of time just to balance his karma again before he has to fight the ghost. 
Hope this helps.
Carl Smith
let me know what you end up doing and how it goes :)

Reemull <reemull@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
I'll leave the spoiler space.

> SO...
> Harrowed, anyone?

I would give the MA something a little special. How about a headless
DuChamps trying to replace the head he lost. You could introduce him
as some unrelated gruesome murders, where the corpse is left headless.
The victims are all Martial Artists of varying schools, which leads to
tension between the various schools and a possible style wat. If the
PC's investigate the MA gets the surprise (and bad Karma) that comes
with his betrayal of his ideals, and finds out that he is the (root)
cause of the series of gruesome murders (he could even become a
suspect). Of course the head DuChamps is looking for is the MA's; his
own is stored somewhere safe out of harms way. With DuChamps head
somewhere inaccessible, the posse has no permanent solution to putting
him down. DuChamps will eventually rest in peace when he either has
the MA's head or the posse (somehow) manage to track down the hidden
DuChamps head and destroy it.



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