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[DL] Re: Savage Deadlands

Last time I looked no one was holding a gun to your head and making you play
Savage Deadlands ;-)  I think we have now been through the arguments for and
against many times. You can complain all you like but it is not going to
change Shane's mind on the matter. If you don't like it don't play it, stick
to the old system that you seem to love.

Shane is going to make all the plot hooks etc., planned for Deadlands
Reloaded available for fans of the original system and d20 so you really
have little to really complain about.

As no one has seen, apart from a very quick and dirty conversion for
Deadlands, what the full conversion is going to be like I am keeping an open
mind on the subject.

You can moan about it all you like, but apart from some Savage Tales, I'm
pretty certain that the Deadlands line will come to an end with Deadlands:

My opinion, for what it is worth and I have been GMing and playing from the
start and own every book ever published for the complete Deadlands line, is
that SW will suit DL very well. Yes, it will be different but I don't see
that as a bad thing.

What I would recommend, for those of you intending to give SW a decent trail
( 6-8 sessions), is that you start a new campaign with new characters so
that you leave all the baggage of old characters behind.

Merry Xmas,