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Re: [DL] Vet of the West

>It makes me feel less ineffectual when those
>derned players beat me!;)


And i would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those derned heros and their little edges!  hehe...I know how you feel as well as does a freind of mine who runs HoE :)  It seems that every time he came up with some evil plot it'd get foiled by something that my toon could do...from Arson to just walking up the stairs and bypassing the levels of the tower :P  hehehe...so i can sympathize with ya there jim
As far as Vet of <insert story type here> goes...we only allowed experienced players to use it...due to the fact that if a new player had it we'd end up explaining half of the game as we went on and have to give out alot of info that the other players might forget...and in our neck of the woods...you forget so does your toon. 
As far as the points go...a fun thing to do...is to make em take a few years of age too...IE...if you wanna be a vet...what's your current age...18...ok...if you want vet...you have to be 25 or something like that...<shrug> that's just my point of view...another way to do it is to hand pick what flaw the toon gets...just don't give em something that F's their toon up to much...that's unfair...but if everyone is taking it all the time...then start hand picking...and get worse by the rolled toon...thus...the first hand pick might be something kinda lame but the 10th would suck...You can also base it on their background story...there are a ton of ways to make it not so inviting...i promise ya...
That's my take on the matter

Thanks a lot

Casey Ashmore
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